Category: Setup

  • Triple Monitor Setup On Small Desk For Gaming

    Triple Monitor Setup On Small Desk For Gaming

    The unconventional triple monitor desk arrangement offers numerous advantages, including enhanced productivity and the ability to multitask effectively. Moreover, various configurations, such as stacking arrangements, can be employed based on the desk’s size and design to facilitate triple monitor setups for gaming. While configuring a single-monitor workspace can be demanding, setting up three monitors might…

  • Should You Get Hot Swappable Keyboard For Gaming?

    Should You Get Hot Swappable Keyboard For Gaming?

    Instead of purchasing separate keyboards for different styles and purposes, you can now use a hot-swappable keyboard to change keys for an all-in-one experience. The Keyboard is flexible, easy to repair and swap, and great for changing the typing experience. Hot-swappable keyboards are a recent invention, but how do we know if we need one?…

  • How Many Keys Are There On 65% Keyboard?

    How Many Keys Are There On 65% Keyboard?

    Currently, 65% keyboards are gaining popularity, especially among gamers and typists, due to their compact yet functional design. These keyboards offer more features than 60% of keyboards while maintaining a smaller size compared to full-sized ones. Traditionally, I’ve preferred full-sized keyboards, believing that fewer keys would mean less functionality. However, since I rarely use the…

  • Ideal Gaming Desk Size For Three Monitor Setup

    Ideal Gaming Desk Size For Three Monitor Setup

    Typically, individuals stick to using a single monitor setup. However, employing two or three monitors can significantly enhance efficiency for tasks such as gaming or multitasking across multiple screens or pages simultaneously. Those interested in using three monitors will require a desk spacious enough to accommodate them and additional peripherals such as mice and keyboards.…

  • Should Dual Monitors Be Same Size?

    Should Dual Monitors Be Same Size?

    Are you thinking about adding a second monitor for both gaming and work but unsure whether to pick dual monitors that are the same size or different sizes? Let’s simplify it! While having monitors of the same size can give your setup a nice, uniform appearance, it’s not necessary. You can choose any size and…

  • What Do G Key On Keyboards Do?

    What Do G Key On Keyboards Do?

    I was amazed when I discovered a group of keys labeled “G” on my Logitech G510s Keyboard because I’d never seen them before. After searching on Google, I learned that these keys can be customized or programmed to do different things quickly. If your keyboard has similar keys, you can set them up to do…

  • 2 Monitors Vs. 3 Monitors: Which Is Better For Productivity And Gaming?

    2 Monitors Vs. 3 Monitors: Which Is Better For Productivity And Gaming?

    Many people, including gamers, programmers, and those needing extra screen space, choose to use multiple monitors but have problems choosing 2 Monitors vs. 3 Monitors. However, the question remains: does this increase productivity? And if so, which setup – two monitors or three monitors – is more effective? After transitioning to remote work, I switched…

  • How Gaming Keyboard Enhance Your Typing Experience?

    How Gaming Keyboard Enhance Your Typing Experience?

    IMany computer users are unaware that the type of keyboard they use significantly affects typing speed, precision, and comfort. Incorrectly chosen keyboards can cause various issues, including hard-to-press buttons, slow trigger responses, and discomfort in the wrists and fingers with prolonged use. Therefore, switching to an ergonomic keyboard, such as a gaming keyboard, may alleviate…

  • How To Setup Couple Gaming Room?

    How To Setup Couple Gaming Room?

    Are you interested in creating a cozy gaming space where you and your partner can enjoy gaming together from the comfort of your home? Look no more! this comprehensive guide will walk you through all the steps to set up the perfect gaming room for two. Keep in mind, a gaming room designed for a…

  • Are Curved Monitors Good For Gaming?

    Are Curved Monitors Good For Gaming?

    Curved monitors have gained popularity in the gaming community due to their immersive experience and enhanced field of view. They are crucial for various gaming genres that need a wider field of vision, such as Flight Simulators, First-person Shooters (FPS), and other modern games. The curved monitors can enhance your gaming experience, but whether they’re…